ADHD is often associated with underemployment or an increased risk of losing one’s job. ADHD is however protected under the 2010 Equalities act as long as the condition has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long term’ negative effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
This protection requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that you can be productive as an employee. This includes individuals who are self-employed. The two guides below, one for employers and one for employees give details on what reasonable adjustments are and what processes need to take place.
Effectively any employee has two routes to support: they can ask their employer for an occupational health assessment and any adjustments that are suggested in the report produced from this assessment would therefore be funded by the employer, or through Access to Work, a department of Work and pensions Scheme where most of the costs (after the first £1000) are met by the government.